
Deploy with Docker

Interactive is packaged as a Docker image and can be easily deployed with docker, python3 >=3.8, and pip >=19.3 installed on your system. You will use a command-line tool called gsctl to install, start, and manage Interactive services.

pip3 install gsctl
# Deploy the interactive service in local mode
gsctl instance deploy --type interactive 

Customizing Ports

By default, Interactive launches various services on these ports: Coordinator Service on 8080, Interactive Meta Service on 7777, Interactive Cypher service on 7687, and Stored Procedure Service on 10000. These ports can be customized.

gsctl instance deploy --type interactive --coordinator-port 8081 --admin-port 7778 \ 
                --cypher-port 7688 --storedproc-port 10001

For more details on customizing ports and connecting to the Interactive Service, refer to Installation and Getting Started.

By default, gsctl uses the same version for both the tool and Interactive. For customized deployment, follow the instructions in Deploy From Source Code.

Deploy with Helm


Deploy from Source Code

This section describes how to package and deploy Interactive from the source for a customized version.

Packing Interactive from Source

Interactive is packaged as a Docker image. Ensure you have Docker installed, then clone the repository and build the Interactive Runtime Image.

git clone # Or clone your fork
cd GraphScope/k8s
python3 ./ flexbuild interactive --app docker

The build process will take some time. Upon completion, the image will be tagged as graphscope/interactive:latest.


Docker images are platform-specific, meaning an image built on x86_64 (amd64) may not run on arm64 machines. While it can run on other platforms with QEMU support, it will be slower. To create multi-platform images, use Buildx or Docker-Manifest.

Deploying Customized Built Interactive

gsctl supports deploying an Interactive instance with a customized image.

python3 instance deploy --type interactive --image-registry graphscope --image-tag latest

Pushing to Your Own Registry

You can push the image to your own registry for access from other machines.

docker tag graphscope/interactive:latest {YOUR_IMAGE_REGISTRY}/interactive:{TAG}
docker push {YOUR_IMAGE_REGISTRY}/interactive:latest
python3 instance deploy --type interactive --image-registry {YOUR_IMAGE_REGISTRY} --image-tag {TAG}

Connecting and Using

Refer to Getting Started for instructions on using Interactive. For detailed usage, consult the Java SDK Documentation and Python SDK Documentation.